
AbekoAir Offers Analysis of Brazil Aviation

Informações da frota de aeronaves do Brasil—o que ela inclui, onde está, onde e quanto dela está voando—fazem o Anuário Brasilerio de Aviação Civil indispensável para qualquer um interessado no mercado de aviação do país. O Instituto Brasileiro de Aviação (IBA) estará lançando a edição de 2019 na LABACE 2019.

Information about Brazil’s aircraft fleet—what it includes, where it is, where and how much it’s flying—makes the Civil Aviation Yearbook indispensable for anyone interested in the country’s aviation market. The Brazilian Institute of Aviation/Instituto Brasileiro de Aviação will be launching the 2019 edition at LABACE 2019.
Yeb Market Intelligence, which does the heavy lifting involved in obtaining and processing data for the Yearbook, is offering a new subscription service called AbekoAir, offering data that goes beyond the Yearbook’s, including obtaining, integrating, and interpreting data from a variety of sources.

Wrestling with raw data is not a task for the faint of heart. For example, ANAC’s aircraft registry doesn’t allow searching by owner or by state, and it can’t be downloaded. That even official data often needs filtering and correction is also attested to by the publisher of Pilot’s Help almanac (at Aerosafety Booth 2007) and this writer, who once converted ANAC’s airport database into Google Earth coordinates, with many airstrips plotting to unbroken forest or the deep blue sea. 

“AbekoAir is a market intelligence platform which consolidates, in a practical and detailed manner, the aviation market data and analyses, beyond the data presented in the Yearbook,” Yeb market analyst Rodrigo Rocha explained. “The platform was designed to help decision making and to add value to companies in the sector, and to do this it includes a variety of analysis and details which permit the user a detailed understanding of the market and his position in relation to his competitors.” 

The Yearbook data includes aircraft by state, type, category, and manufacturer. AbekoAir also adds data by airports and hours flown, derived from the data on aircraft movements in Brazil that Yeb has collected since 2010, including 100 percent of commercial movements, and 80 percent of general aviation movements. The data can also be viewed by aircraft model and airport. The AbekoAir platform permits consolidating data by such categories as operation by state, number of operations by aircraft type, category of operations such as instruction or air-taxi, and movements of principal operators.

Rocha further explained, “The platform allows the user to customize fleet and movement analyses to meet his needs. In this sense, subscribing to the platform give access to our staff of analysts who are available not only for eventual clarification, but who can also perform analyses that are important for the subscriber’s needs but which the platform can’t do alone.”
Information provides an edge in any market and is especially welcome in a difficult market. Yeb has a track record in turning Brazilian aviation data into information. Rocha said that besides the basic subscription, AbekoAir also sells a premium service that “also offers the subscriber strategic planning, support in executing the strategy, developing prospects, exclusive market research, among other exclusive services.”

Fonte: AIN Online 11/08/2019

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